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Spring 2025 Registration is open!


Registration for the Geezer Hockey League Spring 2025 season is open!

Early registration will only be open to RETURNING PLAYERS (any player that has previously played at least one season in the GHL) through March 20th.. Registration will be open to new players starting on March 21st and will be open until all of the rosters are filled on a first come, first served basis. If you are a new player and register before March 21st, your registration will be cancelled. Registration closes March 31. Players who register after April 1 may not be placed on a team if rosters are full.

If the league has room to add new players, the evaluation skate will be Sunday, March 23rd @ 6:00PM and is mandatory for new players joining the league. The evaluations will consist of a few basic hockey drills followed by open hockey. Please email me if you are planning on attending the evaluation session.

The cost of the season will be a single payment of $240. If you are not paid prior April 1st, it may result in you not being drafted on a team and your registration cancelled. Payment for the league fees should be made via Credit Card/Venmo/PayPal after registering on this website. Checks can also still be used and should be made out to the “Geezer Hockey League” and placed in our drop box outside the west rink at the Steel Ice Center.

Please make sure you are putting correct positions/emails/phone numbers and USA Hockey Number etc. when you register. The league expects to have 3 divisions with 4-6 teams per division. During the registration process we ask for your preferred division in case we have to decide between a group of players who will be playing up a division and who will be playing down a division. This is information is only used to assist us with divisional placement and does not mean you will be placed in the division you are requesting.

In order for your registration to be complete and to be drafted on a team you must have:

  1. Completed online registration via the GHL website.
  2. Provided a VALID 2024/2025 or 2025/2026 USA hockey number. If you already have a 2024-25 membership, it is valid through Aug 31, 2025. If you don't have a USA hockey number, registration for the 2025-26 season opens on April 1, 2025, and is valid through Aug 31, 2026.
  3. Paid for the season (PayPal, Venmo, Credit Card or Check) – the payment link is provided after registering on the website.
  4. Have a zero balance due from prior seasons.

The season will start on Sunday, April 16th and will consist of 8 regular season games and at least 1 playoff game per team (minimum of 9 games).

Be sure to "Like" the Geezer Hockey League on Facebook for the latest GHL news and information.


Scott Grossman,
President Geezer Hockey League